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Free Shopping Carts Software - Keyword Reporting

The ecommerce system reports what search engine, or other referring site brought buyers to your web site.

If the buyer used a popular search engine, it will also show you the exact search phrase used.

It provides this information for each order received.

This screenshot shows an example with three different search engines and three unique search phrases.

Keyword Report

Clicking on the 'Order #' link will show you shopping carts details (person ordering and items ordered).

Click on the 'referring site' link to go to the exact URL which generated that order. In the case of search engines, shows your exact rank for the search phrase.

This information can be generated by order numbers, order number range and even order date ranges.

Needless to say, having this information for shopping carts is indispensable to any serious online merchant.

Know where your marketing efforts are paying off, and what keywords and search engines to focus on.

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